Friday, April 2, 2010

Snow Day

Well we actually got one Snow Day here this year. We have seen snow fall once or twice this winter but nothing to make it a snow Day.

So this morning my mom came into my room and told me it was snowing and it was sticking. (My dad woke her up and told here it was snowing and she told him April fools day was yesterday.)

Hello Its APRIL and its was snowing and about a week ago we had 70 degree weather. Well I took advantage to get outside and play in the Snow, which was a good thing for a few hours later the snow turned into rain and then you would never even knew we had snow, and believe or not its Sunny out now.
Here is some of the fun.

Jewel and IJewel didn't like the snow so much.
My snowmans face.
My snowman.and a few seconds later
And for Fun here is a few photos of Jewel In the snow back in 2007 when we dog sat her for a month.

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