Monday, December 22, 2008

Katie's Endoscopy

Katie asked me to blog for her this evening (It's me Wendy aka her mommy). Today Katie went to Mary Bridge Children's Hospital to have an endoscopy. She has been having a lot of indigestion and abdominal pain for the past few months. We took her to her regular doctor and she suggest taking her to a pediatric gastroenterologist. The gastroenterologist wanted to do an endoscopy to see what might be causing her pain. He said all looked normal, but decided to take some biopsies to make sure. We should find out the result in about a week. Katie was pretty nervous this morning about this procedure and actually did not want to get out of bed and go. Eventually, we got her out of the house and into the car. We weren't even sure if we could make it to the hospital today as we have had a good amount of snow in the past week. Russ was able to get the car out of the driveway and luckily the road had been some what plowed. The freeway to Tacoma was pretty clear and we got to the hospital a bit early. When we arrived at the hospital the nurse put on some numbing agent on Katie's arm so there wouldn't be any pain where the IV was placed and of course she had to have a wristband to let us all know who she is.
Katie getting the IV put in.

Katie waiting for the doctor to knock her out right before the endoscopy.

Katie a bit drowsy after the endoscopy drinking apple juice.

Katie was pretty funny after her procedure. One of the first things she asked me to do was get the camera out. She asked the nurse to take a picture of all of us together. She wanted to be able to blog about her day.

I was almost in tears laughing at Katie as she was so funny. Katie wanted to know where her brother Ben was and she started to try and find my cell phone in my pockets. Normally, Katie does not like to call people and talk to them on the phone and that's all she wanted to do. She tried to call her Grandpa & Grandma Kaiser, but their phone was busy. Then she called her Aunt Jenni. She would have kept calling people, but the doctors and nurses kept coming in to check on her. So I took the phone away from her.

1 comment:

Maria said...

I'm glad you survived the procedure and I'm even more glad that you had such a strong desire to blog about it! You are so funny! I wish I could have been there after the procedure :) Keep us posted on the results of the biopsy.